ADMT-12235 NL Training Mat Red 10mm
Training Mat Black with 10mm Thickness
ADMT-12235GR NL Training Mat Grey 10mm
Training Mat Grey with 10mm Thickness
Training Mat Blue 10mm
Training Mat Blue with 10mm Thickness
ADMT-11015BL NL Fitness Mat Blue 10mm
The 10mm adidas Fitness Mat has a ridged base to increase stability for stronger workouts.
ADMT-11015GR NL Fitness Mat Grey 10mm
ADMT-11015RD NL Fitness Mat Red 10mm
Fitness Mat Blue 7mm
Ridged Base Fitness Mat Blue with 7mm Thick Soft Cushioning.
Fitness Mat Grey 7mm
Ridged Base Fitness Mat Grey with 7mm Thick Soft Cushioning.
Fitness Mat Red 7mm
Ridged Base Fitness Mat Red with 7mm Thick Soft Cushioning.
Dumbbells - 1 Kg
Dumbbells are built for both isolated and compound movements
Dumbbells - 2 Kgs.
Dumbbells - 3 Kgs.
Dumbbells are built for both isolated and compound movements.
Dumbbells - 4 Kgs.
Dumbbells - 5 Kgs.
Dumbbells are built for isolated and compound movements
Push Up Bars
Push-ups are a great exercise to build upper body and core strength
Power Tube L1
Versatile and portable piece of equipment to perform a large number of strength exercises
Power Tube L2
Power Tube L3
Resistance Tube L1
Ideal for both upper and lower body exercises
Resistance Tube L2