XPC-0950A Functional Machine
Functional Machine with 2x68 Kgs. Wt.Stack
XPC-2038 Torso Rotation
Torso Rotation with 77 Kgs. Wt. Plates
CTB-89 E Functional Trainer | Squat Rack | Smith Machine
Functional Machine with 100x2 Kgs. Wt. Stack
XPC-2014 Dip | Chin Assist
Dip | Chin Assist with 77 Kgs. Weight Plates
XPC-2029 Abdominal | Back
Abdominal | Back Machine with 118 Kgs. Wt.Plates
XPC-2025 Leg Extension | Leg Curl
Leg Extension | Curl with 132 Kgs. Wt. Plates
XPC-2021 Chest | Shoulder Press
Chest | Shoulder Press with 68 Kgs. Wt. Plates
XPC-2032 Pulldown | Seated Row
Pulldown | Seated Row with 77 Kgs. Wt. Plates
XPC-2012 Crossover | Delts
Crossover/ Delts with 54 Kgs.Weight Plates
XPC 2016 Hip Abduction | Adduction
Abductor | Adductor with 68 Kgs. Wt. Plates
XPC-2031 Pec Fly | Rear Delt
Pec Fly | Rear Delt with 68 Kgs. Wt. Plates.
XPC-2027 Bicep | Tricep Curl
Bicep | Tricep Curl with 55 Kgs. Wt. Plates
CTB 15 Adj.Cable Crossover
Adjustable Crossover with Net Wt.396Kgs.
CE 5001 Prone Leg Curl
Prone Leg Curl with 94 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5002 Leg Extension
Leg Extension with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5003 Leg Press
Leg Press with 115 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5006 Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5008 Vertical Press
Vertical Press with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5023 Seated Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curlwith 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5030 Bicep | Camber Curl
Bicep Curl with 64 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5034 Vertical Row
Vertical Row with 94 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 5035 Pull Down
Pull Down with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 3001 Prone Leg Curl
Leg Curl with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 3002 Leg Extension
CE 3003 Leg Press
CE 3005 Lateral Raise
Lateral Raise with Net Wt.220 Kgs.
CE 3006 Shoulder Press
CE 3008 Vertical Press
CE 3013 Incline Press
Incline Press with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 3023 Seated Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curl with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 3030 Biceps | Camber Curl
Bicep Curl with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 3033 Long Pull
Long Pull with 109 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CE 3034 Vertical Row
Vertical Row with Net Wt.230 Kgs.
CE 3035 Pull Down
CJN 3001 Prone Leg Curl
Leg Curl with 80 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3002 Leg Extension
Leg Extension with 80 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3003 Leg Press
Leg Press with 94 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3005 Lateral Raise
Lateral Raise with 52 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3008 Vertical Press
Vertical Press with 80 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3011 Multi HIP
Multi HIP with 80 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3012 Lat Pull Down
Lat Pull down with 80 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3018 Rotary Torso
Rotary Torso with 65 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3023 Seated Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curl with 80 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3028 Tricep Extension
Tricep Extension with 49 Kgs. Wt. Stack
CJN 3030 Biceps Curl
Biceps Curl with 49 Kgs. Wt.Stacks